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Terms and conditions


These general terms and conditions ("the terms") apply between the consumer ("the customer") and Asian Trading Sweden AB 559284-2370 ("Asian Food Market") when selling products through the company's e-commerce store (the "online Store"). By ticking the intended box in the online Store, the customer approves the content of these terms and certifies the accuracy of the information provided.


The customer accepts these terms and the Asian Food Market's integrity policy in connection with purchases by the online store. By accepting the Asian Food Market's terms, the customer verifies that the customer has reached the age of 18, is of legal age and has the full legal right to enter into an agreement with another party. Asian Food Market reserves the right in individual cases to refuse or change a customer's order if the customer is refused to complete the purchase of Asian Food Market's payment intermediary, that Asian Food Market suspects that the customer has provided incorrect personal information or there are other objective reasons.


Asian Food Market reserves the right to final sale as well as any image and writing errors on the online store, such as errors in the product description or table of contents, incorrect prices, incorrect maximum quantity when ordering an item, or incorrect information regarding whether an item is in stock. Asian Food Market reserves the right to correct any such errors and to change or update the information at any time. If the incorrect price (or number of products for the stated price) has been stated for an item that the customer has ordered, Asian Food Market will notify the customer of this and wait for the customer's approval of the corrected price (or quantity) until the customer's order has begun to be picked and in the case of approval is not obtained have the right to remove the item from the customer's order. All image information on the online store must be seen as illustrations only. Such illustrations cannot be guaranteed to reflect the number of goods the customer receives or the exact appearance, functions or origin of the goods. Asian Food Market is not responsible for information including images on the online store that come from third parties.



2. Order confirmation, change and cancellation of orders

2.1 Order confirmation

Order confirmation is sent to the customer by e-mail when Asian Food Market has received the customer's order.


2.2 Change and cancellation of orders

As a logged in customer in the online store, the customer can on one's own change, make additions and cancel the order until the closing time stated on the order confirmation.


3. Goods

3.1 Product information

At the online store, certain product information is presented for each individual item. Minor changes in the contents of the products can occur over time and we therefore ask you to always check the information on the product's packaging before use. For complete product information, please refer to the product packaging. 


3.2 Out of stock items

Items that are available at the online store at the time of order are stocked. The stock balance can be changed from the time of ordering until the order is picked up. At out of stock items when the order is picked, the item will be based on the order and the customer will be credited corresponding to the value of the item.


3.3 Large orders

If the customer wishes to place a larger order for one or more items, the customer is recommended to contact us at info@asianfood.nu to ensure that the item(s) can be delivered in the desired quantity.



4. Prices

The price is stated for the ordered goods applies to the day the customer placed its order or when the customer last changed its order. All prices are stated including value added tax(VAT) and any deposit is added to the price when the goods are paid. Asian Food Market reserves the right any printing errors or other inaccuracies in offers.


4.1 Items with weight price

Goods sold individually or in bulk where the price is based on its weight ("weight product") indicates the price of the product per unit weight. The exact price is determined when the order has been picked and the item weighed, whereby the price is corrected based on the actual weight.


4.2 Bags

The store may charge for the bags in which the order is packed. The price per bag is stated in such an case in the online store. The number of bags are determined when the order is picked up and the customer pays for the number of bags required to pick up the order. To take into account the cost of the bags that may be needed, a supplement of 2% of the total value of the shopping cart is reserved.


4.3 Price for pick-up and delivery

Price for pick-up and delivery are stated in the Online Store. 



5. Payment

Payment is made through its payment options available in the online store. By the customer approving the purchase, the customer also accepts the Asian Food Market's purchase terms.



6. Delivery

Asian Food Market offers delivery by picking up in the physical store Asian Food Market in Solna Centrum or by home delivery, and sent as a package. The delivery options and conditions that apply are stated here.  


The goods are considered to have been delivered when the customer or a authorized person specified by the customer in the order received the goods according to the chosen delivery alternative.


Asian Food Market has the right to request from the customer or an authorized person to show identification and/or order confirmation in connection with the goods being delivered. Asian Food Market also has the right to refuse delivery of goods in such cases identity can not be emphasized. If the person other than the customer himself/herself receives the goods, he must present his own identification and the customer's identification. Upon request and approval by you, goods may in some cases be left outside your door.



6.1 Pick up at the store

When picking up in the physical store in Solna Centrum, this must be done within the delivery interval stated on the delivery confirmation.


6.2 Home delivery

Home delivery takes place in accordance with the selected delivery interval to the delivery address specified by the customer in connection with the customer's order. The customer is responsible for the deliverer's accessibility to the delivery address. In case of deviation from the selected delivery interval, the customer is contacted through the specified telephone number. The customer is responsible for registered information is updated and being contactable. 


6.3 Delivery by postal package

When delivering postal parcel, these goods are picked up at the selected delivery point.


Please note that refrigerators, freezers and fresh goods cannot be delivered by postal package.


6.4 Item not received or picked up

If picked up or received of goods can not take place within the selected time interval, you are obliged to contact us. Contact information is available in the online store or on the order confirmation.


If you can not pick up your goods within the selected time interval, the store has the right to charge the entire value of the order. The store can by agreement, store unpicked up goods for a reasonable time, if there is space and the durability of the goods. The store has the right to charge you for any extra cost, this means to a total of a maximum of 500 SEK, such as additional transport cost or the need for exchange of goods.


If the customer can not receive a home delivery, and we have not agreed that the goods are left outside your door, the order will be returned. The store then has the right to debit the entire value of the order. 


In such that the customer is unable to receive the goods according to the agreed time, the Customer is obliged to contact the Asian Food Market as soon as possible. Contact information is available at the online store and on the order confirmation. Asian Food Market can by agreement, store unpicked up goods for a reasonable period of time, of there is space and the durability of the goods.


Furthermore, Asian Food Market reserves the right to charge parts or the entire value of the order, as well as any additional costs, if the customer does not pick up his/her goods at the agreed time or for exchange of goods due to durability.



7. Reklamation, retur och ångerrätt

Är det fel på någon vara eller om en vara saknas ska Kunden kontakta Nätbutikens kundtjänst inom 24 timmar från leveranstillfället. Om en vara saknas eller är skadad krediteras den felaktiga varan. Nätbutikens ansvar är begränsat till varans värde, samt eventuella returkostnader. Återbetalning kommer att ske inom 14 dagar. Återbetalningen kommer att ske till Kunden via det betalningsalternativ som Kunden valde, förutsatt att inte annat överenskommits eller att det finns hinder för sådan återbetalning.


7.1 Reklamation och retur

Asian Food Market hänvisar till Konsumentköplagen (SFS 1990:932) och Lagen om distansavtal (SFS 2005:59) för Kundens rätt till ångerrätt och reklamation.

Kunden har rätt att reklamera varan inom tre (3) år. Reklamationen ska ske snarast efter att Kunden upptäckt felet. Sällanköpsvaror med synlig skada behöver understrykas med foto på skadan. 

Om varan anses vara felaktig kommer Kunden att krediteras motsvarande varans värde alternativt få felet avhjälpt eller omlevererad om det inte innebär en oskälig kostnad för Asian Food Market. 

Kunden har rätt att ångra sitt köp inom 14 dagar från leveransdatumet. Sådan ångerrätt gäller dock inte för livsmedel, tidningar eller tidskrifter. 

I det fall Kunden vill utöva sin ångerrätt ska Kunden meddela det skriftligt till Asian Food Market till de kontaktuppgifter som finns på hemsidan. I meddelandet ska Kunden ange sitt namn, adress, ordernummer, antal och namn på varan. 

Om Kunden utövar ångerrätt ska Kunden på egen bekostnad returner varan utan onödig dröjsmål och senast 14 dagar efter den dag då Kunden meddelat om beslut att utöva ångerrätten till Asian Food Market. 

Asian Food Market förbehåller sig rätten att göra värdeminskningsavdrag i det fall Kunden använt varan och detta påverkat varans art, egenskap och funktion. 

Återbetalning vid reklamation eller retur kommer att ske till samma betalsätt. 


7.2 Ångerrätt

Enligt lagen om distansavtal och avtal utanför affärslokaler (SFS 2005:59) har du rätt att ångra Ditt köp inom 14 dagar från leverans av varan ("Ångerfristen"). Sådan ångerrätt gäller dock inte för exempelvis livsmedel, tidningar eller tidskrifter.

Du som vill utöva Din ångerrätt ska skicka ett klart och tydligt meddelande om Ditt beslut om att ångra Ditt köp. Kontaktuppgifter finns i Nätbutiken och på orderbekräftelsen. Ange ditt namn, adress och annan relevant information, t ex. ordernummer, fakturanummer och namn på varan i meddelandet. Om Du önskar kan Du använda den ångerblankett som Konsumentverket tagit fram. För att Du ska hinna utöva Din ångerrätt i tid räcker det med att Du sänder Ditt meddelande innan Ångerfristen gått ut.


7.3 Verkan av utövad ångerrätt

Om Kunden utövar ångerrätt ska Kunden på egen bekostnad returner varan utan onödig dröjsmål och senast 14 dagar efter den dag då Kunden meddelat om beslut att utöva ångerrätten till Asian Food Market. 

Vid utövande av ångerrätt betalar Nätbutiken tillbaka värdet av varor som omfattas av ångerrätten exklusive leveranskostnader och plockavgift, vidare kan Nätbutiken debitera en returavgift på 60 kr.

Asian Food Market förbehåller sig rätten att göra värdeminskningsavdrag i det fall Kunden använt varan och detta påverkat varans art, egenskap och funktion. 

Nätbutiken kommer vid återbetalning att använda samma betalningsmetod som har använts vid betalning.


8. Personuppgifter

Både Asian Food Market och Nätbutiken behandlar Kundens personuppgifter i samband med köpet. För mer information om hur Kundens personuppgifter behandlas hänvisas till sidan om Personuppgiftspolicy. Beroende på val av betalning kan även betalningsalternativet komma att behandla Dina personuppgifter enligt sina villkor. Genom att klicka på "Betala" i kassan accepterar du även vår Personuppgiftspolicy.


9. Övrigt

9.1 Kontakt

Våra kontaktuppgifter finns under fliken "Kontakta oss" i Nätbutiken.


9.2 Oförutsedda händelser

Vid en försenad eller utebliven leverans som inte beror på Kunden kan Asian Food Market enligt Konsumentköplagen (SFS 1990:932) under vissa omständigheter befrias från att fullgöra leveransen.


9.3 Tvist

Vid oenigheter mellan Asian Food Market och Kunden har Kunden har rätt att ta kontakt med Allmänna reklamationsnämnden (ARN) för att få fallet prövat kostnadsfritt. Asian Food Market följer ARN:s rekommendationer.